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Looking to start a career in commercial driving or improve your skills as a business? Our comprehensive training programs cover everything from Class A and B to yard and safety training for businesses. We also offer Class C training for those looking to expand their driving abilities. Let us help you take the next step in your career.
Truck Driving by Lake

Class A CDL Curriculum



Student will learn general knowledge, air brakes and combination curriculum to prepare the student to pass the CDL permit test administered by the Kentucky State Police.  Student will also learn hours of service, map reading and trip planning.


Yard and Over-the-Road Training 

Student will learn skill proficiency development in pre-trip inspection, couple/uncouple, straight line backing, off-set backing, parallel parking, blind side backing, gear shifting, double clutching, turning, hazard perception, uphill/downhill driving, ramps, lane changing, space management, and speed control.


Class A licensure examination is conducted by the Kentucky State Police at area testing sites.


Class B Training



Students will learn general knowledge and air brakes to be prepared to take the permit test for a Class B CDL administered by the Kentucky State Police.


Yard and Over-the-Road Training - 70 hours of instruction


Student will learn skill proficiency development in pre-trip inspection, straight line bacing, off-set backing, parallel parking, blind side backing, gear shifting, double clutching, turning, hazard perception, uphill/downhill driving, ramps, lane changing, space management, and speed control.


Class B CDL licensure examination is conducted by the Kentucky State Police.

Loading Semitrucks

Yard and Safety Training
for Businesses

This program is provided to businesses that use yard dogs to shuttle trailers from a pickup point on the yard to the dock doors.


In this course employees will learn:


Importance of Safety around Commerical Vechiles
Safely operating a combinations vehicle on the yard

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